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Vitamin C Serum: What You Need to Know Part I

Posted by Dan Narsete on

I also take vitamins because I think when you take care of yourself on the inside it makes a big difference in your skin -Magdalena Frackowiak

Vitamin C serum
When I think of vitamin C, tasty Florida orange juice comes to mind right away. After all, we have been told our whole lives orange juice is a great way to get vitamin c, and the proponents of this are correct, but have you ever wondered what it does for your skin? Can it help with brown spots? Does it do anything for anti-aging? Let’s explore what vitamin c can do for you.

Vitamin C is a key component in the production of collagen. It’s basically the glue that holds collagen together. Collagen and elastin create a framework that holds your skin intact. Without it, your skin would essentially fall apart. Poor vitamin C intake has reared its ugly head in the past. Back in the days before trains and airplanes, people and products traveled by ship. Sailors could be on ships for months at a time and, without access to fresh fruit and vegetables, they developed a condition called scurvy. If left untreated, people would eventually die from the condition. Our take away: You need vitamin C to live. I know you are saying to yourself, “but I’m not on a ship for months at a time…” Keep reading. It will make sense, I promise. 

Skin Laxity
Now that you’ve had a brief history lesson, it’s important to understand sun damage. “Free radicals” is a term used to describe atoms that have been damaged by the sun. These free radicals end up destroying cells which your body then needs to replace. As we age, our body does not produce as many of these skin cells. In other words, free radicals lead to skin laxity. The great thing about vitamin C is that it is an antioxidant. This means vitamin C will stabilize these atoms that were damaged by the sun. Once stabilized, these atoms stop the domino effect on your cells. It’s kind of like your crazy friend that ran out of her prescription of Prozac. When she doesn’t take it, she gets a little squirrely, but when she gets back on it, all is good. Make sense?

Brown Spots
Brown spots are created by a substance called melanin. According to Dermatologist Dr. Amy Paul, “Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant and a useful addition to a skincare regimen for improving signs of sun damage and brown spots.” The process of creating melanin is called melanogenesis (melan-o-gen-e-sis). This process occurs when your skin comes into contact with the sun. When sun rays hit your skin cells (called melanocytes), they produce the melanin responsible for the freckles and brown spots people get all over their face and body. Vitamin C can help slow down this process. There have been a number of studies to support vitamin C’s efficacy in the fight against aging so it’s worth taking a look at!

In the meantime, take our skin care quiz to find the right skin care regimen just for you. After you do that here is the link for Part II.

To your skin health,

Team Reflect

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