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Reflect Blog — ferulic acid

 Vitamin C & E Ferulic Serum…what is it and what does it do? Part II (of 2)

Posted by Dan Narsete on

 Vitamin C & E Ferulic Serum…what is it and what does it do? Part II (of 2)

Here is part 2 of our article on Vitamin C & E Ferulic Serum and what it does: Vitamin E serum Another anti-oxidant used in skin care is vitamin E. Tocopherol is the scientific name for vitamin E and which is a key component for your skin and anti-oxidant protection. It works hand in hand with vitamin C as part of the body’s anti-oxidant strategy against damage from sunlight. In a study published in the Peer Reviewed Open Access Journal (PLOS) the use of vitamin E helped to create new blood vessels to the skin. While this might seem random...

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