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Reflect Blog — silk peel

Hydrafacial, Silk Peel, and Microdermabrasion...What’s the Difference?

Posted by Dan Narsete on

Hydrafacial, Silk Peel, and Microdermabrasion...What’s the Difference?

In the aesthetics and beauty world there are always new and improving technologies coming out. Practitioners use dermaplaning, microdermabrasion, and most recently dermal infusion based machines to help resurface skin. But what is truth/ fiction, good/bad? Let’s take a look at three technologies that have recently become very popular. History Skin resurfacing dates back to the Egyptians who apparently used sandpaper to resurface scars. Crazy, right? In the 1900’s practitioners began to use dermaplaning to promote some level of skin rejuvenation. Essentially the practitioner takes a scalpel and essentially “peels” superficial layers of skin--in the right hands this can be...

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