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Does Coolscupting Really Work?

Posted by Dan Narsete on

Does Coolscupting Really Work?

“I always cook with wine. Sometimes I even add it to the food.”  -W.C. Fields We all want to look good and feel our best. And, if you are like me, you probably eat healthy (or at least try) and exercise on a regular basis. Recently, in the medical device world, there has risen a non-invasive technology that reduces or destroys fat without surgery. When someone hears about this, the first thoughts are often, “I can kill fat without surgery?” or “I can get rid of fat without any downtime?” Sounds amazing, right? This new technology is called “Coolsculpting.” If...

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Sunscreen in Seattle?

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Sunscreen in Seattle?

"I grew up in Seattle, where there isn't a lot of sun." -Josie Bissett Recently we visited Seattle and enjoyed the many great things the city has to offer. Fresh oysters, authentic pho’, the Starbucks Reserve Roastery, and yes, even the Space Needle. The lifestyle of Seattle is both laid back, hip, and prospering with new high rises being built all over the city. With a sprawling downtown complete with hills, endless pine trees, modern architecture and shipping ports, it almost feels like Vancouver and San Francisco morphed into one. But with all the great things the city has to...

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Why Do Men Need Skin Care?

Posted by Dan Narsete on

Why Do Men Need Skin Care?

"My wife was afraid of the dark... then she saw me naked and now she's afraid of the light."  -Rodney Dangerfield I get it. Skincare sounds like something “girls do.” Or, is it? According to the American Society of Plastic Surgery in 2016 minimally invasive procedures for men grew by 74% from 2015. What is crazy is the use of Botox in men has grown a staggering 376% from 2000 to 2016! Granted, I can hear you say, “botox isn’t skincare.” You’re right, it’s not, but it does help demonstrate the move towards procedures that were once deemed “only for...

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Anti-Aging Secrets Part IV: Moisturizers and Sunscreen

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Anti-Aging Secrets Part IV: Moisturizers and Sunscreen

“Who is the beauty icon that inspires you the most? Is it Sophia Loren? Audrey Hepburn? Halle Berry? Mine is Nosferatu, because that vampire taught me my number-one and number-two favorite beauty tricks of all time: avoid the sun at all costs and always try to appear shrouded in shadows.” -Mindy Kaling Part four of our series focuses on moisturizers and sunscreen. Believe it or not, not all moisturizers and sunscreens are created equal. Not even close.  Moisturizers Hydrate. Moisturize. Soothe your skin. All tag lines we get bombarded with. But how do you know which moisturizer is good and...

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How To Use Skincare

Posted by Dan Narsete on

How To Use Skincare

"Beauty may be skin-deep, but ugly goes clear to the bone." -Redd Foxx   I’m sure you’ve been using skincare for years but are you using skincare correctly? Do you understand the difference between over the counter and medical grade skin care? There are several things you need to know about skincare in order to use it effectively and get the most benefits from it. We’re going look at some of the myths and realities of what skin care is all about. Over the counter skin care Most of what you see in store counters is what is known as...

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