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Reflect Blog — IS Clinical

How To Get Healthy Skin

Posted by Dan Narsete on

How To Get Healthy Skin

  It really doesn’t matter who you are or where you come from. Everyone wants healthy skin. After all, it is the largest organ in the human body. At first glance it would seem like an easy subject to deal with. The truth is skin is actually very complicated. We’ve tried to make a short and sweet article in hopes of making skincare more understandable. Anatomy of skin Without getting too complicated and putting you to sleep in the process, there are 4-5 layers that make up your skin, but we will be covering the first two layers. The outermost...

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Does it matter what kind of soap I use?

Posted by Dan Narsete on

Does it matter what kind of soap I use?

“What is elegance? Soap and water!”–Cecil Beaton My sister called me the other day complaining that her face was red, flaky, and sensitive. After asking some questions, it turns out she was using a soap that left her skin really irritated. She asked me, “does it really matter what kind of soap I use?” And of course, the answer is YES! Let me explain why… The realization What she made me realize is that cosmetic companies have done a fantastic job at selling soaps and lotions but failed at educating the public. While it would seem like common sense to...

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