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5 Steps to a Great Skin Care Routine

Posted by Dan Narsete on

“There is something magical about the early morning. It’s a time when the world belongs to only those few who are awake. And we walk around like kings while others remain unseen in their beds.” – Shawn Blanc

Whether you’ve had a dedicated skin care routine for years or you’re just making it a priority now, a skin care routine can help you reach your skin goals. Maybe you’re hoping to fade dark spots or keep wrinkles at bay. Perhaps you’re just looking for a quick way to make sure your skin is clean, hydrated, and protected. Achieving your goals starts with a few key steps, and here’s how it works.

#1 Determine Your Goals

If you’ve ever had to outline your goals for a school project, your next career move, or chart a path to buy  a home, then you know how important it is to get things down on paper. You don’t need to have a timeline for skin care (because most new routines take 60–90 days to show results), but it helps to know what you want to achieve. Write down your goals on a piece of paper and put it where you’ll see it each day. A visual reminder makes a big difference.

#2 Pick a Gentle Cleanser

First things first. If you’ve been washing your face with bar soap or body wash, stop right now. Most bar soaps have a very high pH level, which makes them alkaline. Choosing a cleanser depends on your skin type and habits, but studies show that our skin’s barrier function is compromised when we use products that are either too acidic or too alkaline. If your skin is sensitive or acne prone, select a cleanser that contains soothing ingredients like Centella Asiatica, which contains healing properties and antioxidants. Whenever possible, look for a prominently displayed pH level. Most products labeled 5.5 pH will cleanse thoroughly without stripping away your natural oils.

#3 Use Dedicated Serums to Target Concerns

So many drug store products try to cover all their bases in one shot. For example, you can buy eye creams or moisturizer with retinol in it, but if you want to target fine lines or wrinkles, you’re better off choosing a dedicated retinol product. Why? Because certain products work best when your skin is at the right pH level, like vitamin C. Think of serums as designated hitters. They have one job to do … to target either hyperpigmentation (dark spots) or wrinkles. These can get expensive, so learn about ingredient concentrations, so you can give yourself a head start.

#4 Rotate Your Lotions and Creams

Many people use the same moisturizer day in and day out for season after season. That’s fine if your environment stays the same year-round. If you have varying conditions, then look for products that suit your needs seasonally. In summer, for example, you may not need quite as much moisture as you do in the winter. Think of skin care as a wardrobe. You have outfits for every type of situation; your skin will thank you for having selections that fit each day’s changing environment. Caveat: Any jar that’s been open for 12 months or more needs to be tossed.

#5 Embrace Sunscreen Year-Round

If there’s one thing we’ll recommend over and over again, it’s sunscreen. Even on cloudy days, your skin runs the risk of exposure, and you can burn just as easily when the sun’s hiding behind those clouds. Choose a broad spectrum sunscreen to protect yourself from damaging UVA and UVB rays. A hat never hurts either. 

To your skincare success,

Team Reflect

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